The Presidency South Africa Is Hiring Supply Chain Officer, X2 Posts

The Presidency South Africa Is Hiring Supply Chain Officer, X2 Posts

Salary: R294 321 per annum (Level 07)

Centre: Pretoria

The Presidency South Africa Is Hiring Supply Chain Officer, X2 Posts


Senior Certificate plus National Diploma or equivalent qualification (NQF level 6) in Logistics/Supply Chain Management/Public Administration or Management. 1-2 years’ experience in Supply Chain Management.

Competencies and Knowledge:

Communication, both oral and written. Customer orientation. Honesty and integrity. Innovative service delivery.

Work under pressure and solve problems. Knowledge of SCM procedures and logistic; Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Public Financial Management Act.

PPFA, Treasury Regulations, Preferential Procurement Regulation 2022, Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act and its Code of Good Practice, and Public Service Regulatory Framework.


Provide updates on the status of the request for quotations and application for purchase. Receive and process applications and requests from the help desk. Request quotations using the database and evaluate quotations.

Monitor work done and submit stats to supervisor. Answer queries. Assist with bids as needed.


Call Madira Legodi Selomo on (012) 300 5951 or Dankie Sindane on (012) 300 5947


Please forward your application quoting the reference number to: The Presidency, Private Bag x1000, Pretoria, 0001 or Hand deliver at Government Avenue, Union Buildings, Pretoria or by email to [email protected].

FOR ATTENTION : Ms Kefilwe Maubane

NOTE/ Instruction:

The application must contain only TWO (2) documents: The Z83 Form, which can be obtained from any Public Service Department or by visiting the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) website:, and a detailed Curriculum Vitae.

On or before the interview date, shortlisted candidates will need to submit copies of their Identity Document, Grade 12 Certificate, and the highest required qualifications, as well as a driver’s license.

Foreign qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) otherwise your application will be disqualified.

A failure to complete, initial, and sign this form can result in disqualification of your application.

In accordance with the requirements of the advert, only shortlisted candidates will have to submit certified copies of their qualifications and other related documents on or before the interview date. All qualifications and related documents must conform to the advertisement’s requirements.

No consideration will be given to applicants who do not comply with the above-mentioned instructions/requirements or submit their applications late.

CLOSING DATE: 09 June 2023

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