X3 Junior Examiner Posts at the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform, and Rural Development
Directorate: Examination, Execution, and Deeds Training Services Office of the Registrar of Deeds
SALARY : R294 321 per annum (Level 07)
CENTRE : Pietermaritzburg
X3 Junior Examiner Posts at the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform, and Rural Development
An applicant must possess a Grade 12 Certificate and a National Diploma in Law / National Diploma in Deeds Registration Law/ Buris/ B Proc/ LLB and no previous experience is required. Deed registration processes and procedures. Interpretation of statutes.
Examination of deeds. Property law. Computer skills. Communication skills. Organising skills. Problem solving skills. Interpersonal skills. Time management skills. Interpretation skills. Numerical skills.
Deeds must be prepared for examination by stamping their names on the cover. Verify registration information against data information. Complete the data amendment request form. Link batches endorse deeds and complete all endorsements. Complete fee endorsement indicate exemption category and authority. Indicate the expiration date on the cover. Examine the documents and deeds.
Check the accuracy of the drafting of the documents and raise notes referring to the relevant authorities.Check compliance of notes on re lodged deeds and remove notes if they are complying. Link all relevant documents. Correct errors in the office. File updated acts, manuals, and circulars.
Complete notification forms/caveat endorsements for other sections (diagram, etc.). Verify registration information. Check and interpret interdicts, and record details of such. Check and interpret sectional titles files.
Encouraging deeds if not complied with.Make sure that appropriate title conditions/easements are put forward in the township files and general plan, and consult with clients relating to deeds and documents. Provide guidance to conveyancers. Check deeds for compliance.
Remove notes. Distribute deeds and documents. Count, balance, and scan deeds with accommodations/DOTS slips. Sort and distribute deeds to Examiners based on transactions and batches. Distribute assignment slips to examiner. Record townships, sectional schemes, rosters, corrective maintenance and expedited deeds.
ENQUIRIES: Ms Z Mthembu Tel No: (033) 355 6812
How to apply
It is imperative that you submit your application to Private Bag X9028, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 or hand deliver it to the Pietermaritzburg Registrar of Deeds Office at 300 Pietermaritzburg Street, Pietermaritzburg,3201 by the closing date. We encourage African, Coloured, and Indian males, African, Coloured females, and people with disabilities to apply.
Application Note
Applicants must submit a completed and signed Z83 Form, available from any Public Service Department or online at https://www.dpsa.gov.za/newsroom/psvc/, as well as a detailed Curriculum Vitae.
Only shortlisted candidates will be able to submit certified copies of their Identity Document, Grade 12 Certificate, the highest required qualifications as well as their drivers licenses before the interview date. Foreign qualifications must be accompanied by an evaluation report issued by the South African
Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Failure to do so will result in your application being disqualified. Applicants are responsible for submitting proof of the evaluation report (only if shortlisted) for all foreign qualifications.
The deadline for submission of your application is 30th May. If you wish to apply for more than one post, please submit a separate application for each post. Applications will not be acknowledged due to the large number of applications anticipated by the Department.
Please consider your application unsuccessful if you have not been contacted within 3 months of the closing date of the advertisement. Should, at any stage of the recruitment process, a moratorium be imposed on the filling of posts or the Department is affected by any process,
including restructuring or reorganization of posts, the Department reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process and re-advertise the post at any time.
Our intention is to promote representativeness in DALRRD through the filling of posts. However, the Department may not fill a position. DALRRD is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. All shortlisted candidates will be subjected to a Personnel Suitability
Check, and must be available for assessments and interviews at the date and time determined by the Department. In addition to security vetting, the shortlisted candidates will be subjected to reference checks, which may include social media profiles. Any pending criminal, disciplinary or other allegations or investigations against applicants must be declared by applicants.
Upon discovery of this during or after the interview, the application will not be considered and if the candidate is appointed, such appointment will be terminated.
It will be the responsibility of the successful candidate to enter into a contract of employment and sign a performance agreement with the Department,
based on the positive results of the security clearance process. The application requires all applicants to declare any conflicts of interest or perceived conflicts of interest, and to disclose their memberships in boards and directorships.
Closing Date:02 June 2023